Home Heating Test Kits.

Your home heating system can also Enjoy the health benefits of a regular check up!

Your expensive home heating system plays a vital part in ensuring the quality and comfort of home life for all the family. 

Failure to carry out health checks on your home heating system can lead to reduced functionality, breakdowns which can be extremely inconvenient and very large repair bills.

ahead of the game can ensure continuity of performance, identify potential problems and create the ability to plan and budget for any eventuality.

Your home heating test kit not only diagnoses potential issues with your home heating system wellbeing, it also includes a scaled demonstration of not just what's currently happening within your boiler but what may happen if your boiler health doesn't improve.

Or carry on reading to find out more.

What's in the box?

In the box your find everything you need to understand the current health status of your home heating system, what the current balance of chemicals is, and a demonstration of what's happening inside your system now and in the future!

Inhibitor Test.

The Inhibitor test will show you the level of Inhibitor within your home heating system.

Hard water Test.

The hard water test will show the the PH level of the water within your home heating system.

Turbidiity Test.

The turboty test will show the level of contaminants in your home heating system.

Instruction/Results Cards.

Instruction cards.


Your Home Heating Kit contains a clear and colourful mix of picturiols and text to give instructions of how to complete each stage of the test.

To make testing as easy as possible we've included everything you need to carry out the test.

Radiator Bleed key, water Catcher and disposable gloves.

A glimpse inside of your home heating system.

And, most importantly, Dr Radiator Home Heating Test Kit gives you a live demonstration of what is happening within your system. Watch with wonder as you learn just what damage can occurr inside unmanged systems.

Buy a D.I.Y Home Heating Test Kit today


Maintain the health of your Home Heating System.

Reduce the risk of breakdowns.

Keep bills to a minimum .

And stay compliant with your manufacturers warranty.