Your Inbox Demonstration.

What's the purpose of the in box demonstration?

And, what will I learn?.

Inbox demonstration.

So you've completed your test and submitted your results to the Dr Radiator website. Hopefully you've now got your short report giving you the basics of what the test has found.

If you've been maintaining your Home Heating System your short will start with "Congratulations."

And it's possible you may not need any further work.

However if you've not been maintaining your system your report will start with "Ooop's".

And it's highly likely that some level of work will be reccommended on the report.

At Dr Radiator we know that bad news can sometimes be hard to believe. That's is why we developed the inbox demonstration. So you don't have to take our word for it. You can see for yourself what will happen inside your system if you do not take action to improve your Home Heating Systems state of health.

No it's not magic. It's just reality.

The purpose of the inbox demonstration is to show you how your Home Heating Systems health compares to that of a fully maintained system.


Tune A is the actual water from your Home Heating System.

Tube B is simple tap water.

Tube C is the tube in which you placed the vial of inhibitor. This tube represents a fully maintained Home Heating System.

The metal bearings in each tube represents the mixed metals that make up you home heating system. Copper, steel, I'll ron, aluminium and brass. These are what cause the build up of contaminants which eventually turn into the sludge which goes onto to cause damage to your Home Heating System.

By placing the tubes on the window cill, you have allowed the sunlight to warm and cool the tubes. This is a comparison to having your Home Heating System coming on and going off over a period of time.

After a few weeks of being left on your window cill you may notice that the test tubes from your inbox demonstration have begun to change colour at different rates.

Tube A.

Test tube A is your Home Heating Systems actual water.

If your short report started with "Congratulations," you may see little or no change to test tube A.

However, if your short report started with, "Ooops," it's very likely the colour has darkened. This is caused by the water of your Home Heating System reacting with the mixed metal bearing and the heating of the sun. If the water in test tube A was dark from the outset, your short report will of advised of the need for urgent works. Depending on how dark the water was, It may or may not darken further.

Tube B.

Test tube B is the simple tap water. This should be considerably darker to that of test tube A. The closer the colour of test tube A to test tube B, the more serious the poor health of your Home Heating System is.

Tube C.

Test tube C is the simple tap water which now also contains the vial of inhibitor. This should be as clear as when you placed it on the window cill.

The closer the colour of test tube A to test tube C, the less serious the health status of your Home Heating System is.

However, any level of colour deteriation could be the sign of a health issue and advice should be sort.

Home Heating Survey.

If your inbox demonstration has shown that your Home Heating Systema health is deteriorating, then youay want to consider booking a Home Heating System Survey.

Click the link below for more details.

Don't forget to take advantage of the discount vouchers inside you Home Heating Test Kit.


If your inbox demonstration has shown that your Home Heating Systems health is in trouble...

Don't Delay!